Monday 29 June 2015

Penang Bridge

It had been 30 years since I was involved in the construction of this bridge. Together with the Korean Project Manager, Mr Nam, we constructed the precast concrete beam yard to supply more than 2000 beams (from 20m to 45m length), to the bridge. It was 1982-1983. After setting up the yard as well successfully supplying 100 over beams, I quitted the job and went back to Sarawak to work for a consulting firm.
It was hard work, often into the night and sometimes even over the next day. High concrete temperature was one of the technical problems. Before setting up the chiller plant, we had to cast the beams at 2.00am in the morning just to ensure the concrete temperature was below 30degreeC.
It was one of my best engineering training, to work with 
international experts, especially on pre-stressing.

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