Tuesday 30 June 2015

Oxidation ponds

What is it ? This is construction of the oxidation ponds,  to treat sewage. 
You "bomb" in the toilet, and flushes down to the sewer and eventually comes to this place. The oxidation ponds make use of the nature, such as the sunlight, algae, aerobic and anaerobic bacteria to break down your waste to ammonia, methane,carbon dioxide,water, etc. By the time the wastes pass through a series of ponds, the treated water is safe to be discharged to the streams or rivers.
There are many methods of treating sewage. Oxidation ponds may not be the best option if the lands are expensive. If there is no central sewerage system, you probably use septic tanks which are not so efficient, especially if you do not clean it often. The sewage just passes through the tank and into the drains/streams/rivers, causing much pollution. 
Anyway, there are very few central sewage systems for Sarawak cities and towns. Bintulu town was the pioneer town to start central system as it was a new town. Kuching is still constructing, but costs a fortune to the people of Sarawak. Hopefully, the people are not asked to pay, otherwise life will become more and more difficult. 

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