Tuesday 30 June 2015

Abandoned Tilted House

Corner Double StoreyTerrace House easily costs more than RM500,000 nowadays in Kuching. If you buy a house like this, you are going to be upset for the rest of your life. Why it failed?

The housing project is located on a peat swamp with about 3m-6m peat. Some of the foundation failed when the piles, likely timber piles, buckled sideways, due to movements of earth fill supposed to cover up the swamp and to make ground above flood level. Some piles failed due to negative friction, a dragging of settling fill caused by the compression of underlying peat and soft soils.
Even, if the structure is intact, you will bothered by the sinking ground, flooded road, broken pipes and stagnant drains for the rest of your life. Just visit the Sibu houses built on the swamp, you will see that unsightly conditions.

Recommendation: Study the area carefully and DO NOT rush to buy house at the peat swamp area, which NATURE uses that as flood retention purpose. Find a better site with no peat swamp.

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