Tuesday 30 June 2015

Failures Due to Scouring

When your building is near to the river, precautions must be made on the continuous scouring to the bank by river flow. Otherwise, after some time, your building and infrastructure will become like in the following photographs.
The soils below the aprons slab and the retaining wall were removed by water causing the structures to fail. Settlement of the soft soils beneath the structures aggravated the situation.
Obvious solutions are 
(a) adequate rip-raps in front of the retaining wall to prevent scouring, like the next door, but in an ugly way, dumping rubbles and unwanted earth in front of the retaining wall,
(b) regular inspection, at least every few years to see the rip-raps are still there, and re-fill if wash away,
(c) for the settlements, study has to be made to see the magnitude and then provide appropriate solutions.

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