Tuesday 30 June 2015

Failed Drainage System

We always blamed Nature's exceptional high rainfall or God's action for the flood, so that no human would be blamed!

We ignored the deforestation and developments which cleared the vegetation allowing tons of soil washed into the rivers by the rain water and deposited in the rivers resulting insufficient capacities to discharge into the sea. 
We ignored our lousy habits of throwing rubbish into the drain and rivers, hampering the flow of water. 
We intruded into the water retention lands or river banks  for development resulting insufficient space for waters to store temporarily during heavy rainfall. We blocked the rivers in the name of water regulation, sea water intrusion, bridge crossings and highways in the name of providing better living conditions for humans. 
We warm up the air through indiscriminate burning, car usage  and industrial pollution, which resulted climate change and abnormal rainfall.

So, who are the culprits, Nature, God or Humans?

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