Monday 29 June 2015

How to Build Road Over peat swamp?

Peat soil in this picture is practically fibrous materials. There are two common ways to solve this problem. 
(1) Excavate the peat and replace with sand/soil. But if the peat thickness is more than 3m, construction becomes difficult. 
(2) Provide a layer of goetextile to prevent the sand sinks into the peat and fill up with sand/soil. But after a few months, the road will sink below the ground water level. You will have to continue topping up for the rest of the useful life. Part of the Oya Road in Sibu had been filling up for the last 50 years. I had encountered a buried river with a peat depth of more than 25m!
There are expensive ways to solve the problem such as soil treatment, piled embankment and elevated highway, but quite often it is beyond the local economical means.

Peat Soil


Building Road Using Geotextile and sandfill

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