Tuesday 30 June 2015

Peat Soil Seminar at Sibu - Errata

I just look back at the newspaper cutting on the Council requirements on the performance the external roads on the development projects, not to settle 200mm in two years, dated back some time 2010. 
The requirement applied only to commercial projects, NOT housing or other projects. The reason was the Council was not willing to pay for raising up the road, why should the council pay? 

Then, I cannot see the logic why this rule cannot be applied to other projects, especially the residential projects. Why the ordinary people should endure the settled roads approved by the Council? Rules should be applied for all, NOT selected projects.

Perhaps, the Council felt that the Developers and the Engineers should be responsible for the problems. Legal suits can be filed against them but the Council should know that the costs, inconvenience and time taken to do that by the buyers. Perhaps, by the time the house owners or ordinary people win the suits, the Developers or Engineers has only RM2 to pay or has migrated overseas or dead.  

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