Thursday 9 July 2015

River Wharf

This wharf is more than 40 years old and is abandoned. One of the corner piles has broken and most of the structures disintegrate badly. 
Local wharf cannot last long due to four main reasons:
(a) Bank slope fails,
(b) fenders failed or being stripped away
(c) river vessels hit onto the frontage  piles,
(d) corrosion of the steel reinforcements and concrete       spalling due to salty sea water and rain water
(e) little maintenance.

River bank slope is generally natural formed slope and is subjected to erosion and change. Natural slope on flood plain has a low safety factor and if the erosion of the slope toe is severe, the banks slope may become unstable and bring down the wharf.

It is quite difficult to control the berthing of the river vessels due to river flows, tides and experience of the ship captains. Impact on the wharf creates a huge force and if the speed and angle of berth are wrong, damage to the wharf is imminent. Sometimes, huge vessels berthed onto the small wharf which was not intended to.

Concrete quality is another factor which controls the life of wharf. If the past, it was difficult even to achieve grade 30 concrete, thus allowing water to seep into the concrete and rusted the steel reinforcements. Insufficient concrete cover of steel aggravates the situation.

Maintenance is another important factor especially the fender piles which help to absorb the impact. Damaged fenders not replaced would result the river vessels hitting directly onto the structural piles, breaking the piles. Most rubber and bituminous materials cannot last more than ten years and has to be replaced after certain number of years.

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