Thursday 9 July 2015

Meta-Sandstone Aggregates?

The other day I passed by an ongoing bridge construction site at Sri Aman and saw these aggregates. I was wondering what types of aggregates this Contractor used.  The stones look like Meta-sandstone. I had no one to ask at the site. 
The nearest Quarry is somewhere along Sri Aman to Betong Road, which happens to be a Meta-sandstone site. 
Meta-sandstone is a metamorphosed rock and often intruded by white quartz veins. The are just moderately good quality stones and required much tests to confirm whether they are according to the MS or BS Standard. 
I would not know whether these aggregates are suitable for use in high strength prestressed concrete structures until comprehesive tests are done. Good quality Granite aggregates are generally recommended for the high strength concrete.

1 comment:

  1. Pls send the samples to the geological office whereby they can determine the type by mineralogical and petrological analysis.
    Contact : 082-244666 or Fax 082-415390
