Tuesday 12 January 2016

Limestone Aggregates

I bought another 5 tons of 20mm aggregates for the concrete work from a different supplier costing RM200. It looked al right from outside, dominated by 20mm nominal size, other than laminated with some calcite.   But when I scooped in, the aggregates seemed to have too have much fines and the black rock materials looked more like metamorphosed Mudstone or Phyllite. 

I took some to the soil laboratory and the aggregates reacted strongly with the hydrochloric acid. They are really limestone materials. But they contain too much smaller materials (2mm to 10mm size), perhaps more than 70%. It means more cement is needed to make a specific strength concrete. Until the cube tests being done, I am not sure whether the aggregates are suitable for the structural concrete. 
Obviously, limestone aggregates are not recommended for foundation, marine works and concrete exposed to rain.

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