Thursday 27 August 2015

Repair of Failed Column

Finally, the repair of failed column is almost completed after three months of construction. 
No rental, no business activity, it was quite a loss besides the repairing cost
But luckily, no body was hurt. Hopefully, it is safe now and can be re-opened soon.

Rock near Long Lama

This rock core was obtained about 20m depth below a hilly site near Long Lama, Northern Sarawak. Geology in Northern Sarawak is much younger compared to the Southern Sarawak.
It is a sedimentary rock, Mudstone. It is moderately strong, but easily fractured along the vertical plane.

Wednesday 19 August 2015

Serian Volcanic Rock

This rock specimen is found near the hill of  the Borneo trunk road five kilometres after the Sadong Bridge towards Sri Aman (65km from Kuching). It is one of the hardest rocks in Sarawak, the Serian Volcanic lava rock, which was formed during the Triassic period (about 200 to 250 millions years ago). It is harder than the granite rock and is difficult to drill through using ordinary boring machine.